Metapedia Fundraiser 2018: The Internet is the foremost field in the metapolitical battle of our time. Help us hold down the front. | |||
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Căutare legături externe
Pot fi folosite metacaractere precum „*”.
Necesită cel puțin un domeniu de nivel superior, cum ar fi „*.org”.
Protocoale suportate: bitcoin:, ftp://, ftps://, geo:, git://, gopher://, http://, https://, irc://, ircs://, magnet:, mailto:, mms://, news:, nntp://, redis://, sftp://, sip:, sips:, sms:, ssh://, svn://, tel:, telnet://, urn:, worldwind://, xmpp: (se trece implicit la http:// dacă nu este specificat niciun protocol).