Sorin Alexandrescu

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Sorin Alexandrescu (n. 18 august 1937, Bucureşti) este un critic, istoric şi teoretician literar român contemporan.


  • Dickens in Rumania. A Bibliography for the 150th Anniversary (with Alexandru Duţu) 1962
  • William Faulkner, 1969; revised edition in French, Paris, 1971
  • The Logic of Personages, 1973
  • Logique du personnage: reflexions sur l'univers faulknerien, (1974)
  • Dimitrie Cantemir: Roemeens historicus en politicus 1673-1723, Bussum 1975
  • Dichters uit Roemenië, (Poeţi din România), 1976
  • Transformational grammar and the Rumanian language 1977
  • Roemenië. Verhalen van deze tijd, (Proza din România), 1988
  • Hemel en Aarde. Werelden van verbeelding, (Rai şi pământ), 1991
  • Rumanien im Umbruch: Chancen und Probleme der europäischen Integration, (eds. Ilina Gregori und Angelika Schaser) (1993)
  • Richard Rorty, 1995
  • Figurative of the Art. Beginning and End. 20th Century in Romania, 1998
  • Paradoxul român, 1998
  • Identitate în ruptură. Mentalitati româneşti postbelice, 2000
  • La modernité a l'Est. 13 aperçus sur la litterature roumaine, 2000